The story charts the journey of two childhood friends Kohinoor Kalyan and Jilani Ramdas. They are both enthusiastic and easy-going. On an unfateful day, the duo loses a heavy amount in cricket betting. They unintentionally enter the villain's traps and they end up destroying their empire. What happens when they face the villains? Is there a reason for them to get involved with the goons?
Ver tráiler de Youtube Prueba 24 horas gratisThe story charts the journey of two childhood friends Kohinoor Kalyan and Jilani Ramdas. They are both enthusiastic and easy-going. On an unfateful day, the duo loses a heavy amount in cricket betting. They unintentionally enter the villain's traps and they end up destroying their empire. What happens when they face the villains? Is there a reason for them to get involved with the goons?
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