A band of mysterious performers show up in small-town Illinois for a magic show with a horrific twist. Made for a class project at Columbia College Chicago by student Arthur "Buzz" Hirsch, Matinee was shot on location at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois. The film gained a cult following within magician circles and was used as a teaching tool about misogyny and the mistreatment of women in the magic community.
Ver tráiler de Youtube Prueba 24 horas gratisA band of mysterious performers show up in small-town Illinois for a magic show with a horrific twist. Made for a class project at Columbia College Chicago by student Arthur "Buzz" Hirsch, Matinee was shot on location at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois. The film gained a cult following within magician circles and was used as a teaching tool about misogyny and the mistreatment of women in the magic community.
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