Teriya Meriya Hera Pheriyan is an upcoming Punjabi movie scheduled to be released on 1 May, 2020. The movie is directed by Manoj Kumar Ricky and will feature Noreen Khan, Pukhraj Bhalla, Harby Sangha and Aditi Arya as lead characters. Other popular actors who were roped in for Teriya Meriya Hera Pheriyan are Jaswinder Bhalla, Upasana Singh, Rana Jung Bahadhur, Yograj Singh and Shashi Kiran.
Ver tráiler de Youtube Prueba 24 horas gratisTeriya Meriya Hera Pheriyan is an upcoming Punjabi movie scheduled to be released on 1 May, 2020. The movie is directed by Manoj Kumar Ricky and will feature Noreen Khan, Pukhraj Bhalla, Harby Sangha and Aditi Arya as lead characters. Other popular actors who were roped in for Teriya Meriya Hera Pheriyan are Jaswinder Bhalla, Upasana Singh, Rana Jung Bahadhur, Yograj Singh and Shashi Kiran.
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