In this fully animated, all-new take on the Smurfs, a mysterious map sets Smurfette and her friends Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty on an exciting race through the Forbidden Forest leading to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurf history.
مشاهدة المقطع الدعائي على Youtube جرّب مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعةIn this fully animated, all-new take on the Smurfs, a mysterious map sets Smurfette and her friends Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty on an exciting race through the Forbidden Forest leading to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurf history.
مشاهدة المقطع الدعائي على Youtube جرّب مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعة