TK, an eminent person, had transformed himself into an enigmatic Sociopath, mainly due to his traumatic childhood and upbringing. A chain of events instigates a retired police official, Padakam, to initiate an independent probe against him that opens up a can of worms
مشاهدة المقطع الدعائي على Youtube جرّب مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعةTK, an eminent person, had transformed himself into an enigmatic Sociopath, mainly due to his traumatic childhood and upbringing. A chain of events instigates a retired police official, Padakam, to initiate an independent probe against him that opens up a can of worms
مشاهدة المقطع الدعائي على Youtube جرّب مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعة