This Gujarati Movie stars Malhar Thakar as Siddharth, a 23-year young e-shopping delivery boy. During a delivery he gets trapped in a vicious circle of inescapable mystery, which unfolds into a riveting story of thriller, corruption, murder, and suspense.
مشاهدة المقطع الدعائي على Youtube جرّب مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعةThis Gujarati Movie stars Malhar Thakar as Siddharth, a 23-year young e-shopping delivery boy. During a delivery he gets trapped in a vicious circle of inescapable mystery, which unfolds into a riveting story of thriller, corruption, murder, and suspense.
مشاهدة المقطع الدعائي على Youtube جرّب مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعة